Sunday, December 31, 2006
Naturally acquired immunity to tetanus toxin in an isolated community.
Naturally acquired tetanus antitoxin in the serum of children and adults in Mali
Naturally acquired antibodies to tetanus toxin in humans and animals from the galapagos islands.
Response to single dose of tetanus vaccine in subjects with naturally acquired tetanus antitoxin.
Relation between protective potency and specificity of antibodies in sera of tetanus immunized individuals.
Immunity to tetanus: tetanus antitoxin and anti-BIIb in human sera.
Immunisation does not rule out tetanus
Severe tetanus in immunized patients with high anti-tetanus titers.
Natural tetanus immunity in lepromatous leprosy patients.
Tetanus immunity in emergency department patients.
Tetanus of immunized children.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Herd Immunity
Vaccines do not provide life-long immunity. How could vaccines create herd immunity then? Plus, there are vaccines that shed--therefore spreading the disease (well, a weaked form of the disease, but spreading the disease nonetheless)--how can herd immunity exist with vaccines keeping the disease in circulation.
As far as I know, this is still a theory--with plenty of mathematical equations to recreate what the scientific community/medical community believe to be happening. I still haven't seen evidence that PROVES this theory.
My understanding was that herd immunity could only happen when a disease went through a population naturally. Those who survive will have natural immunity--and their children will gain basic immunity and be able to handle the disease and have natural life-long immunity themselves.
Vaccinated immunity leaves adolescents with waning "immunity" (if they have any at all) and leave them susceptable as adults--instead they should be acquiring natural immunities as children by experiencing these childhood diseases. Vaccinated immunity cannot be passed from mother to infant/child--leaving the infants more susceptable to disease--whereas, natural immunity CAN be passed from mother to infant, giving the child basic immunity so they can survive disease. Vaccinating leaves a hole for another strain or serotype to step forward and become a menace--creating the need for more and more vaccines--which makes the community at large more susceptable to disease--creating an unhealthy environment. And I guess you could view boosters as a cure to the vaccinated immunity problem--but does it solve the problem?--no!
Vaccinated immunity wears off--natural immunity does not wear off.
Some interesting reads:
The concept of herd immunity applied to the evaluation of vaccination programs
Increased Susceptibility to Measles in Infants in the United States
Decay of Passively Acquired Maternal Antibodies against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Viruses
Analysis of epidemiological peculiarities of rubella based on a mathematical model (according to observations over 10 years in Moscow).
Measles, mumps and rubella: control by vaccination.
Rubella among the Amish: resurgent disease in a highly susceptible community.
A great compilation of quotations about immunity by lilithx: natural vs. vaccination immunity
Sunday, December 24, 2006
What if the cows are treated with rBGH/rBST?
If you don't want cancer then don't drink milk that is from cows injected with rBGH/rBST
rBGH -- Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone -- It's Bad News
more info
For over 10 years, bovine growth hormone, or rBGH, has been a staple in the dairy products consumed by Americans. Since these products are not labeled as containing rBGH, most consumers have no idea that a growth hormone intended to induce dairy cows to be more productive is in much of their milk, cheese, and yogurt.
After approving the use of rBGH in 1993, the Food and Drug Administration has turned a deaf ear to the pleas of consumers, food safety organizations and scientists to reverse its approval of the hormone, or to simply require labeling of foods containing rBGH. Even a legal challenge by CFS could not force FDA to reexamine the health threats of rBGH. The FDA's decision stood despite regulatory bodies in both Canada and Europe rejecting the hormone due to numerous animal and human health concerns.
In cows treated with rBGH, significant health problems often develop, including a 50 percent increase in the risk of lameness (leg and hoof problems), over a 25 percent increase in the frequency of udder infections (mastitis), and serious animal reproductive problems, i.e., infertility, cystic ovaries, fetal loss and birth defects.
Because rBGH use results in more cases of mastitis, dairy farmers tend to use more antibiotics to combat the infections, the residues of which also may end up in milk and dairy products. These residues can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals and contribute to the growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria, further undermining the efficacy of some antibiotics in fighting human infections.
Furthermore, recent research has shown conclusively that the levels of a hormone called "insulin-like growth factor-1" (IFG-1) are elevated in dairy products produced from cows treated with rBGH. Canadian and European regulators have found that the FDA completely failed to consider a study that showed how the increased IGF-1 in rBGH milk could survive digestion and make its way into the intestines and blood stream of consumers. These findings are significant because numerous studies now demonstrate that IGF-1 is an important factor in the growth of cancers of the breast, prostate and colon.
News and Views
on rBGH & rBST
Analysis Shows Nearly 100% of Independent Research Finds Problems With Aspartame
October 17, 1996
An analysis of peer reviewed medical literature using MEDLINE and other databases was conducted by Ralph G. Walton, MD, Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Dr. Walton analyzed 164 studies which were felt to have relevance to human safety questions. Of those studies, 74 studies had aspartame industry-related sponsorship and 90 were funded without any industry money.
Of the 90 non-industry-sponsored studies, 83 (92%) identified one or more problems with aspartame. Of the 7 studies which did not find a problems, 6 of those studies were conducted by the FDA. Given that a number of FDA officials went to work for the aspartame industry immediately following approval (including the former FDA Commissioner), many consider these studies to be equivalent to industry-sponsored research.
Of the 74 aspartame industry-sponsored studies, all 74 (100%) claimed that no problems were found with aspartame. This is reminiscent of tobacco industry research where it is primarily the tobacco research which never finds problems with the product, but nearly all of the independent studies do find problems.
The 74 aspartame industry-sponsored studies are those which one inveriably sees cited in PR/news reports and reported by organizations funded by Monsanto/Benevia/NutraSweet (e.g., IFIC, ADA). These studies have severe design deficiencies which help to guarantee the "desired" outcomes. These design deficiencies may not be apparent to the inexperienced scientist. Healthcare practitioners and scientists should print out the all of the documents on the Monsanto/NutraSweet Scientific Abuse web page, the Scientific FAQs web page and the Aspartame Toxicity Reaction Report Samples. Please refer scientific questions to
Abuse of the Scientific Method Seen in Monsanto Aspartame Research
Scientific Abuse in Methanol / Formaldehyde Research Related to Aspartame
Scientific Abuse in Seizure Research Related to Aspartame
Scientific Abuse in Migraine/Headache Research Related to Aspartame
Scientific Abuse in Parkinson's Disease Research Related to Aspartame
Independent Analysis of the
"Opinion of the European Commission, Scientific Committee on Food:
Update on the Safety of Aspartame / E951"
Reported Aspartame Toxicity Effects
Q. What are the reported reactions to aspartame ingestion?
How often are such effects seen?
==> What are the reported reactions to aspartame ingestion?
We will limit our discussion in this FAQ to reported toxicity
reactions to aspartame ingestion. Controlled studies showing
problems with aspartame ingestion will be discussed in another
FAQ. Toxicity reactions to aspartame can be divided into three
1. Acute toxicity reactions occuring within 48 hours of ingestion of
an aspartame-containing product.
2. Chronic toxicity effects occuring anywhere from several days of
use to appearing a number of years (i.e., 1-20+ years) after the
beginning of aspartame use.
3. Potential toxicity effects that would be nearly impossible for
the user to recognize the link to aspartame.
In an epidemiological survey which appeared in the Journal of
Applied Nutrition (Roberts 1988), 551 persons who have
reported toxicity effects from aspartame ingestion were
surveyed. The adverse effects found cover a subset of reported
acute and chronic toxicity effects from aspartame.
What follows is a listing of the adverse health effects
which were found.
# of
people (%)
- Decreased vision and/or other eye problems 140 (25%)
(blurring, "bright flashes," tunnel vision)
- Pain (or or both eyes) 51 (9%)
- Decreased tears, trouble with contact lens, 46 (8%)
or both
- Blindness (one or both eyes) 14 (3%)
- Tinnitus ("ringing," "buzzing") 73 (13%)
- Severe intolerance for noise 47 (9%)
- Marked impairment of hearing 25 (5%)
- Headaches 249 (45%)
- Dizziness, unsteadiness, or both 217 (39%)
- Confusion, memory loss, or both 157 (29%)
- Severe drowsiness and sleepiness 93 (17%)
- Paresthesias ("pins and needles," "tingling") 82 (15%)
or numbness of the limbs
- Convulsions (grand mal epileptic attacks) 80 (15%)
- Petit mal attacks and "absences" 18 (3%)
- Severe slurring of speech 64 (12%)
- Severe tremors 51 (9%)
- Severe "hyperactivity" and "restless legs" 43 (8%)
- Atypical facial pain 38 (7%)
- Severe depression 139 (25%)
- "Extreme irritability" 125 (23%)
- "Severe anixiety attacks" 105 (19%)
- "Marked personality changes" 88 (16%)
- Recent "severe insomnia" 76 (14%)
- "Severe aggravation of phobias" 41 (7%)
- Palpitations, tachycardia (rapid heart action), 88 (16%)
of both
- "Shortness of breath" 54 (10%)
- Atypical chest pain 44 (8%)
- Recent hypertension (high blood pressure) 34 (6%)
- Nausea 79 (14%)
- Diarrhea 70 (13%)
Associated gross blood in the stools (12)
- Abdominal pain 70 (13%)
- Pain on swallowing 28 (5%)
Skin and Allergies
- Severe itching without a rash 44 (8%)
- Severe lip and mouth reactions 29 (5%)
- Urticaria (hives) 25 (5%)
- Other eruptions 48 (9%)
- Aggravation of respiratory allergies 10 (2%)
Endocrine and Metabolic
- Problems with diabetes: loss of control; 60 (11%)
precipitation of clinical diabetes;
aggravation or simulation of diabetic
- Menstrual changes 45 (6%)
Severe reduction or cessation of periods (22)
- Paradoxic weight gain 34 (5%)
- Marked weight loss 26 (6%)
- Marked thinning or loss of the hair 32 (6%)
- Aggravated hypoglycemia (low blood sugar 25 (5%)
- Frequency of voiding (day and night), burning 69 (13%)
on urination (dysuria), or both
- Excessive thirst 65 (12%)
- Severe joint pains 58 (11%)
- "Bloat" 57 (10%)
- Fluid retention and leg swelling 20 (4%)
- Increased susceptibility to infection 7 (1%)
There are other clinical reports in the scientific literature of
aspartame-caused toxicity reactions including Blumenthal (1997),
Drake (1986), Johns (1986), Lipton (1989), McCauliffe (1991),
Novick (1985), Watts (1991), Walton (1986, 1988), and Wurtman
Many pilots appear to be particularly susceptible to the effects of
aspartame ingestion. They have reported numerous serious toxicity
effects including grand mal seizures in the cockpit (Stoddard 1995).
Nearly 1,000 cases of pilot reactions have been reported to the
Aspartame Consumer Safety Network Pilot Hotline (Stoddard 1995).
This susceptibility may be related to ingesting methanol at altitude
as suggested in a letter from Dr. Phil Moskal, Professor of
Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Pathology, Chairman of the Department
of Pathology, Director of Public Health Laboratories (Moskal 1990),
or it may simply be that some pilots tend to ingest large quantities
of aspartame during a flight. Whatever the case, numerous warnings
about aspartame dangers have appeared in piloting journals including
The Aviation Consumer (1988), Aviation Medical Bulliten (1988),
Pacific Flyer (1988), CAA General Aviation (1989), Aviation Safety
Digest (1989), General Aviation News (1989), Plane & Pilot (1990),
Canadian General Aviation News (1990), National Business Aircraft
Association Digest (NBAA Digest 1993), International Council of
Air Shows (ICAS 1995), and the Pacific Flyer (1995). Both the U.S.
Air Force's magazine "Flying Safety" and the U.S. Navy's magazine,
"Navy Physiology" published articles warning about the many dangers
of aspartame including the cumlative deliterious effects of methanol
and the greater likelihood of birth defects. The articles note that
the ingestion of aspartame may make pilots more susceptible to
seizures and vertigo (US Air Force 1992).
Countless other toxicity effects have been reported to the FDA (DHHS
1995), other independent organizations (Mission Possible 1996,
Stoddard 1995), and independent scientists (e.g., 80 cases of
seizures were reported to Dr. Richard Wurtman, Food (1986)).
Samples of some aspartame toxicity reactions reported on the
Internet can be found on the Aspartame (NutraSweet) Toxicity Info
Center web page:
Frequently, aspartame toxicity is misdiagnosed as a specific disease.
This has yet to be reported in the scientific literature, yet it has
been reported countless times to independent organizations and
scientists (Mission Possible 1994, Stoddard 1995). In other cases,
it has been reported that chronic aspartame ingestion has triggered
or worsened certain chronic illnesses. Nearly 100% of the time, the
patient and physician assume that these worsening conditions are
simply a normal progression of the illness. Sometimes that may be
the case, but many times it is chronic aspartame poisoning.
According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse
effects of aspartame, the following list contains a selection
of chronic illnesses which may be caused or worsened by the chronic,
long-term ingestion of aspartame. (Mission Possible 1994, Stoddard
Brain tumors Multiple sclerosis
Epilepsy Chronic faigue syndrome
Parkinson's Disease Alzheimer's
Mental retardation Lymphoma
Birth defects Fibromyalgia
Diabetes Arthritis (including Rheumatoid)
Chemical Sensitivities Attention Deficit Disorder
*Note: In some cases such as MS, the severe symptoms
mimic the illness or exacerbate the illness,
but do not cause the disease.
Also, please note that this is an incomplete list. Clearly,
ingestion of a very slow poison (as discussed in other FAQs) is not
beneficial to anyone who has a chronic illness.
Finally, potential toxicity effects from aspartame including brain
cancer (as seen in pre-approval research) and effects on fetal brain
and nervous system development will be discussed in other FAQs.
Industry Funded Research
Non-Industry Funded Research
Monsanto Products to Avoid
The following facts shown by recent scientific research:
1. Aspartame (nutrasweet) breaks down into methanol (wood alcohol).
2. Methanol quickly converts to formadehyde in the body.
3. Formaldehyde causes gradual and eventually severe damage to the neurological system, immune system and causes permanent genetic damage at extremely low doses.
4. Methanol from alcoholic beverages and from fruit and juices does not convert to formaldehyde and cause damage because there are protective chemicals in these traditionally ingested beverages.
5. The most recent independent research in Europe demonstrates that ingestion of small amounts of aspartame leads to the accumulation of significant levels of formaldehyde (bound to protein) in organs (liver, kidneys, brain) and tissues.
6. Excitotoxic amino acids such as the one which is immediately released from aspartame likely increases the damage caused by the formaldehyde.
Aspartame / NutraSweet Dangers in Pregnancy
The Secret Dangers of Splenda (Sucralose), an Artificial Sweetener
The Potential Dangers of Sucralose:
Reader Testimonials
The Dangers of Chlorine and Issues With Sucralose
Sucralose (Splenda®) U.S. Product List
Bisphenol A and Phthalates (DEHP, DBP, and BBP)
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco prepares to ban certain chemicals in products for kids, but enforcement will be tough -- and toymakers question necessity
Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer
Sunday, November 19, 2006
It's often impossible for parents to tell if the teething ring or baby rattle they hand their children contains bisphenol A or phthalates. The Chronicle purchased 16 children's products and sent them to the STAT Analysis Corp. laboratory in Chicago, one of the few commercial labs that test for these chemicals.
The city's ordinance bans the manufacture, distribution or sale of items intended for children younger than 3 if they contain any level of bisphenol A. Six different forms of phthalates are covered by the ban, which sets the maximum phthalate level at 0.1 percent of the chemical makeup of any part of the product. Three of those phthalates are banned only in items intended for kids younger than 3, but the law doesn't include age limits for products that contain three other phthalates -- DEHP, DBP and BBP.
What is Bisphenol-A, and what are the issues surrounding BPA?
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical used in the production of polycarbonate plastic and food/beverage can coatings.
Over 50 years of research and extensive use throughout the world provides overwhelming scientific evidence that polycarbonate is safe for the manufacture of baby feeding bottles.
International regulatory agencies responsible for consumer protection, including the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the UK Food Standards Agency, the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and the Japanese Ministry of Health, have assessed the potential health effects of BPA. All conclude that consumer products made from materials containing BPA, including polycarbonate, are safe for their intended use.
In April 2005 the FDA reconfirmed the safety of the use of polycarbonate for food contact including baby feeding bottles stating that “based on all the evidence available at this time, FDA sees no reason to change its long-held position that current uses with food are safe.”
Avent Bottles are independently tested in accordance with and comply to the latest European Standard for Drinking Equipment for Children-EN14350: 2004 which includes a limit for the migration of BPA.
Avent is committed to the safety of mothers and babies.
Avent bottles are used by millions of happy, healthy babies and families in over 70 countries worldwide and conform to the most stringent national and international standards.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
aluminum hydroxide, squalene, or aluminum hydroxide combined with squalene
Neuromolecular Med. 2007;9(1):83-100.
Aluminum adjuvant linked to gulf war illness induces motor neuron death in mice.
Petrik MS, Wong MC, Tabata RC, Garry RF, Shaw CA.
PMID: 17114826 [PubMed - in process]
Hepatitis B
Both the pediatric and adult formulations of Recombivax HB are approved for use in any age group. For example, the adult formulation of Recombivax HB may be used in children
(0.5 mL) and adolescents (0.5 mL). However, pediatric Engerix-B is approved for use only in children and adolescents younger than 20 years of age. The adult formulation of Engerix-B is not approved for use in infants and children but may be used in both adolescents (11–19 years of age) and adults.
Engerix-B contains aluminum hydroxide as an adjuvant.
It does not contain thimerosal as a preservative but contains a trace of thimerosal as residual from the manufacturing process. The vaccine is supplied in singledose vials and syringes. recombivax HB contains aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate as an adjuvant. None of the formulations of Recombivax HB contain thimerosal or any other preservative. The vaccine is supplied in single
dose vials.
Hepatitis B vaccine has been alleged to cause or exacerbate
multiple sclerosis (MS). A 2004 retrospective study in a British population found a slight increase in risk of MS among hepatitis B vaccine recipients. However, large population-based studies have shown no association between receipt of hepatitis B vaccine and either the development of MS or exacerbation of the course of MS is persons already diagnosed with the disease.
The Eradication of Polio — Progress and Challenges
Mark A. Pallansch, Ph.D., and Hardeep S. Sandhu, M.D.
Because of persistent viral transmission, polio eradication activities have been intensified in India, and most children in the northern part of the country are now receiving more than 12 doses of vaccine before their second birthday (many more than the number of doses that are recommended for routine vaccinations, but necessary to attain immunity in high-risk areas and to eradicate the virus in some populations). These increased activities have led to fatigue among both the local vaccination teams and the community members who participate. Moreover, a median of 10 reported vaccine doses have been received by persons who have contracted poliomyelitis; this has raised questions about the efficacy of the vaccine. The quality and potency of the vaccine have been tested and shown to be adequate, but various biologic and ecologic factors such as other enteric infections and poor nutrition may be contributing to its reduced effectiveness in inducing immunity in these particular reservoir populations. A perplexing discrepancy remains, however, since other areas of southern Asia — including other parts of India — have similar risk factors for the transmission of the virus because of poor sanitation and crowding and yet are now polio-free.
Aluminum hydroxied: causing problems
New, so-far-unpublished research led by Vancouver neuroscientist Chris Shaw shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease), and Alzheimer's.
Shaw is most surprised that the research for his paper hadn't been done before. For 80 years, doctors have injected patients with aluminum hydroxide, he said, an adjuvant that stimulates immune response.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Some Hib stuff...
Prevnar leading to other infections:
Slight decrease in incident of disease we have a vaccine for, but increase incident of disease we don't have a vaccine for (vaccine creating problems):
“We show that the introduction of the vaccine in Portugal led to changes in H. influenzae, particularly the decline in strains of serotype b (from 81 to 16%), which was accompanied by a relative increase of NC strains (from 19 to 80%). We also report for the first time a Portuguese serotype f invasive strain that was isolated during the vaccination period. The efficacy of the Hib conjugate vaccine (10) has been extensively studied, and it significantly reduces the incidence of carriage in immunized children, which may have several consequences, e.g., the isolation of other serotypes in cases of invasive disease, especially serotypes a and f (18, 19); an increase in virulence of non-b serotypes (15, 16); and a concomitant increase in NC strains (9).”
CDC's Pink Book:
“Before the 1990s, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, but new vaccines being given to all children as part of their routine immunizations have reduced the occurrence of invasive disease due to H. influenzae. Today, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis are the leading causes of bacterial meningitis.”;jsessionid=FKLYy5PcpQ2n3ZQqh2gyppLrlcL2tL27DwRRfMzJKy5NVl5Xqt6D!1005135326!-949856144!8091!-1
Clonal relationship of recent invasive Haemophilus influenzae serotype f isolates from Denmark and the United States
Antibiotic resistance and clinical significance of Haemophilus influenzae type f
Bacterial Vaccines and Serotype Replacement: Lessons from Haemophilus influenzae and Prospects for Streptococcus pneumoniae
Outbreak of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease among fully vaccinated children in a day-care center.
Confronting the pneumococcus: a target shift or bullet change?
Immunogenicity and impact on nasopharyngeal carriage of a nonavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
It seems to me that Hib vaccines caused the pneumococcal bacteria to thrive—creating a shift in what causes bacterial meningitis. Because of the Hib vaccine we need the pneumococcal vaccine. What will we need for the pneumococcal vaccine?
Some vaccines contain aborted fetal tissues...
MRC-5 (used in Varivax, Vaqta, Havrix, Twinrix, ProQuad, Poliovax, Imovax, Zostavax, Acambis 1000)
RA273 (used in MMR II, MR VAX, Biavax II, Meruvax II, ProQuad)
WI-38 (used in Varivax, MMR II, MR VAX, Biavax II, Meruvax II, ProQuad, Zostavax)
PER C6 (used in an Ebola vaccine that is in development, used in a flu vaccine that is in development, used in an avian flu vaccine that is in development, used in a HIV vaccine that is in development)
HEK 293 (used in Xigris, used in a flu vaccine that is in development, used in an avian flu vaccine that is in development)
WI-26 (used in Enbrel)
VA4 (used in Enbrel)
(The diseases relating to the vaccines above, that are apart of the recommended vaccine schedule, are: Varicella, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B.)
Vaccine far...
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
CDC's Pink Book:
Search the diseases here:
Hepatitis B
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping cough)
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (HiB)
Inactive Polio virus
Rubeola (Measles), Mumps, Rubella (German Measles)
Varicella (chickenpox)
(Check what’s being given for the current year…)
2006-2007 Flu information
Hepatitis A
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Meningococcal (Meningitis) (Menactra website--Sanofi Pasteur's website)
Additional Pink Book Information from the CDC
Delayed Vaccine Schedules:
“Finally, a user-friendly vaccination schedule requires that vaccinations, after the age of two, be given no more than once every six months, one at a time, in order to allow the immune system sufficient time to recover and stabilize between shots.”
“In summary, this is a vaccination schedule that I would recommend:
1. No vaccinations until a child is two years old.
2. No vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury).
3. No live virus vaccines (except for smallpox, should it recur).
4. These vaccines, to be given one at a time, every six months, beginning at age 2:
1. Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell)
2. Diphtheria
3. Tetanus
4. Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells)”
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
What “reportable events” are:
Reported Events:
Search VAERS:
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
Additional Information:
Recalled Vaccine Information:
MMWR: Weekly Reports
State laws and exemptions in relation to vaccines:
Alternative Vaccine Information:
Other "research" I've done...better look through the memories: our_choices
How a vaccine is made:
Here's the list of things to talk with your doctor about in relationship to vaccines:
Why should I immunize? Is there any reason I shouldn't immunize?
Do you have children? Are they immunized? With every vaccination you're asking me to allow? Are you immunized yourself? With every vaccination you're recommending to me?
Are vaccines 100% safe? What studies have been done to prove their safety? Who funded these studies (if any exist)?
Are they 100% effective? What studies have been done to prove their efficacy? Who funded these studies (if any exist)?
How long can you guarantee a particular vaccine to protect my child?
Vaccines only contain mercury (residual amounts, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, MSG, phenol, etc. - aren't those poisons?
Vaccines contain 5 or more viruses in one shot, would a baby normally contract 5 diseases at one time? (At such a young age?) Is it really safe to expose my baby to so many different diseases at one time? Are the doses different for lets say a 4 yr old compared to a 2 mo old?
If a child contracts a disease normally it usually enters through a mucous membrane in their body and goes through many barriers in the body before it reaches the bloodstream. When a child is vaccinated the vaccine is injected into the muscle and goes straight to the blood. Are the antibodies then exactly the same?
How come one gives life long immunity and the other immunity wanes?
Vaccines are cultured on mediums such as monkey kidneys, chick embryos and human diploid cells. That gives me a lot of concerns:
First of all, do we know my child is not allergic to eggs?
Secondly, I have some moral concerns about the aborted fetus tissues.
Third, what genetic material is being injected into a child's body along with the vaccine? What are the possible consequences to those ingredients? What studies have been preformed to prove that it's safe?
Do you have unvaccinated children in your practice? Do you compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children in your practice?
Are there any studies that compare vaccinated children to unvaccinated children?
Have Vaccines been tested for carcinogenic material? Teratogenic (gene altering) effects? Reproductive system affects? What studies prove their safety?
What is the National Vaccine Injury Act? How many are reported each year?
What is VAERS? How many reports are there each year?
Insurance companies do not cover for damage to life and property due to:
*Acts of God
*Nuclear war and nuclear power plant accidents
Why is vaccination on this list?
Do we legally have to vaccinate? For school - are there exemptions?
Can I have the vaccine package inserts? Have you read the whole insert?
Is it an emergency that I vaccinate? Or can it wait till I decide?
If my child suffers adverse reactions to any vaccine can I file suit against the manufacturers of the product?
When is the most dangerous period for my child to come in contact with these diseases?
How long until the vaccines become effective/how many vaccines does it take for my child to be “immune”?
Questions about each disease (I'll use polio as an example):
What is polio?
What different kinds of polio exist?
Who is at risk for getting polio?
What are the risks factors in contracting polio?
How is polio spread/how do you get it?
How soon after exposure to polio do symptoms appear?
What are the symptoms of polio?
How long does it last?
How is polio diagnosed?
What treatments are available for polio?
What prevention can you take so you will not contract polio?
What is the history of polio?
How common is polio?
What are the benefits of getting polio?
What are the risks of getting polio?
How does one get life-long immunity from polio?
What other information do I need to know about polio?
The ask questions about the vaccine (using polio as an example again):
What is the history of the polio vaccine?
What vaccines are available for polio?
Which is the “safest” vaccine available for polio?
Which is the most “effective” vaccine available for polio?
Reasons to vaccinate?
Reasons not to vaccinate?
What benefits are involved in vaccinating against polio?
What risks are involved in vaccinating against polio?
What are the ingredients in the polio vaccine?
How do the ingredients of the polio vaccine affect the human body?
What are the contraindications for the polio vaccine?
What are adverse affects that can occur when being vaccinated against polio?
What syndromes are associated with the polio vaccine?
How many doses are needed for the vaccine to be effective?
How long does the vaccine last (does it wear off)?
What other information do I need to know about the polio vaccine?
***And ask any other questions you may have...
...I recommend learning as much as you can about the viral/bacterial well as learning about all you can about the vaccines that are given to "avoid" these the package inserts (I have most of the vaccine inserts listed with their proper illness--I don't have all of them I'm sure--if you want me to find one, just ask me and I'll look it up)--especially read the "Contraindications," "Warnings," "Precautions," "Adverse Reactions," and when/if you decide to vaccinate, ALWAYS get the name of the shot, the manufacturer name, serial # , batch #, date administered, and the name of the person administering the shots--ALWAYS.
If you feel like you have to vaccinate, get your doctor to sign the following forms:
If we, the parents of,(Child's name), consent to your vaccine schedule, you—the doctor,(Physician's name), promise that my child, (child's name) , will remain immune to normal illnesses and to the virus/bacteria that he/she is being vaccinated against and will stay healthy and free of any and all vaccine reactions. If any reactions, illnesses, or disorders happen because of the vaccines, you will take full responsibility, professionally, and financially—and agree to comply with the following two forms.
Signature of Physician
I, the undersigned, having assumed decision making power independently, or having been appointed to such, by a government bureaucracy or corporation controlled by such, do require the following individual(s):
to receive the following vaccination(s):
contrary to laws of this state that provide medical, religious, and/or philosophical exemptions.
I further agree that the stated individual(s) are in excellent to perfect health prior to the administration of such immunization(s).
Consistent with this demand, is my personal acceptance of full responsibility for any and all damages resulting from such immunizations. As a result, I agree to provide compensation amounting to $1,000,000 to the family(s) of the persons you are requiring to receive the aforementioned vaccinations for each resulting vaccine related injury(s) and/or disease(s) as follows:
Sudden infant death syndrome
Shaken baby syndrome
Cerebral bleeding
Auto-immune disease(s)
Bowel blockage
Brain damage
Mental retardation
Crippling arthritis
Mercury poisoning
Loss of IQ
Chronic fatigue syndrome
*Note that virtually all of these conditions /diseases are incurable by modern medicine, but easily prevented by abstinence!
Name (print): Position:
Signature: Date:
I (Physicians Name) do hereby state I have advised the parent(s) of (Child’s Name) that in my professional opinion the child should be given (Vaccine's Name) include manufacturer name, serial # , batch # I have this day(mm/dd/yy) administered this medication after advising the parents that the child is at little or no risk from the treatment.
I hereby do agree to take full responsibility should the child at any time suffer or develop any permanent condition deleterious or injurious to their health as a result of this treatment. I will pay any and all costs relating to the care and treatment of this child for the rest of his/her natural life. I further agree that if my earnings are insufficient to meet these costs I will sell my home, my business, and all material possessions to put the proceeds towards meeting these costs.
Witness: Parent or other
Signature of Physician/Nurse administering